Best Home Remedies for Pericoronitis Treatment

pericoronitis treatment

Understanding and Treating Pericoronitis: Inflammation of Wisdom Tooth Tissue

Pericoronitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the tissue surrounding the wisdom tooth, also known as the third molar. 

These third molars typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 25, between the late teens and early adulthood. While these teeth can be beneficial if they grow properly and remain healthy, they often cause misalignment and require extraction. 

Pericoronitis commonly occurs in partially impacted or not fully visible molars, particularly in the lower wisdom teeth. Most individuals with pericoronitis have a flap of gum tissue partially covering the erupting tooth. Treatment options include removing the flap or extracting the tooth, depending on various factors.

Effective Home Treatments for Pericoronitis Symptoms: Reduce Pain and Lower Risk of Infection with Oral Hygiene and Remedies

While seeking professional dental care is essential for pericoronitis treatment, some home remedies can help alleviate symptoms and promote oral health. In the meantime, it’s essential to focus on good oral hygiene to eliminate food debris that might be stuck in the extra gum flap to lower the risk of infection of the gum tissue, which can eventually lead to worse issues like dental decay if the infection spreads.

Here are 11 recommended home treatments to help with pericoronitis symptoms:

1. Apply Ice: If your wisdom tooth pain is accompanied by swelling, using an ice pack for a cold compress can help. You can use a commercial ice pack or place some ice in a plastic bag, wrap it in a towel, and apply it to the swollen area. The cold temperature will numb the affected area, reducing pain and tenderness. Additionally, cold can help reduce swelling and inflammation.

cold compress for wisdom tooth pain

2. Warm Salt Water Rinse: Dentists often recommend this oral rinse as a short-term solution until your dental appointment. To prepare the rinse, mix two tablespoons of salt into eight ounces in a cup of warm water until it dissolves completely. Rinse your mouth with the solution for about 12 seconds, or as long as you can tolerate the salty taste. Repeat this process every few hours to experience pain relief. A saltwater rinse can reduce dental bacteria by temporarily increasing the pH balance of your mouth, creating an alkaline environment in which bacteria struggle to survive.

3. Baking Soda Paste: A great home remedy is baking soda paste, which can help reduce swelling and ease pain associated with wisdom teeth. Mix toothpaste with baking soda in a small container and apply the paste directly to the affected tooth. The pain should subside within a few minutes.

4. Peppermint: Peppermint is known for its pain-relieving properties and can be effective for wisdom tooth pain. Its anesthetic properties reduce pain and remove bacteria that cause infection in the mouth. You can either pack fresh peppermint leaves into the affected area for 20 minutes or apply a few drops of peppermint extract to a cotton swab and rub it on the tooth.

5. Wheatgrass: Wheatgrass juice can quickly relieve wisdom tooth pain. Swish an ounce of wheatgrass juice in your mouth for a couple of minutes, using it like a mouthwash to remove toxins and alleviate pain. Alternatively, apply the juiced wheatgrass directly to the affected tooth for extra relief.

6. Tea Bags: If your wisdom tooth pain is due to swollen gums, using tea bags can be an effective remedy. Brew a cup of tea and place it in the refrigerator, leaving the tea bag inside. Once the tea is cold, place the bag directly over the swollen gum. This will help reduce swelling and provide instant pain relief. Tea contains tannic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

7. Turmeric Rub or Paste: Turmeric, known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, can help reduce wisdom tooth pain. Rub loose turmeric onto your sore gums or create a paste by mixing baking powder, toothpaste, and turmeric. Apply the paste around your wisdom teeth and let it sit for several minutes before rinsing.

8. Onion: Although it may sound strange, chewing on a raw onion can help relieve wisdom tooth pain. Onions contain phytochemicals that target the germs responsible for the infection, reducing pain. Cut off a piece of onion and chew it on the side of your mouth that is in pain. Alternatively, you can use your finger to hold the piece of onion directly against the painful tooth and gums.

9. Guava Leaves: Guava leaves are effective pain relievers and have anti-spasmodic, antibacterial, and disinfecting properties. Chew the leaves slowly in your mouth, releasing the juices and providing relief. Alternatively, boil five to seven guava leaves in water for five minutes, let the water cool down, and use it as a mouthwash.

guava leaves for wisdom tooth pain

10. Clove Oil: Clove oil, commonly used in cooking, can also relieve wisdom tooth pain. It contains eugenol, a chemical that acts as an anesthetic and antibacterial agent. To use clove oil, apply it to a cotton ball or swab and wipe it directly on the gums surrounding the painful tooth. If the flavor is too strong, mix the clove oil with a small amount of olive oil to dilute it. Repeat this treatment several times a day as needed.

11. Vanilla Extract: Vanilla extract, commonly used in cooking and baking, can also be used for wisdom tooth pain. It contains eugenol, which has antiseptic and analgesic properties. Apply some vanilla extract or a cotton swab on your fingertips and rub it on the affected tooth and surrounding gums. Avoid drinking for at least an hour to allow the vanilla extract to take effect.

Consuming nourishing, well-cooked, soft, or liquid foods while treating pericoronitis is advisable. This reduces the burden on the teeth during chewing and supports the immune system in fighting the infection.

Here is another article that I wrote on Tooth Pain: 7 Home Remedies for Tooth Pain

The Importance of Proper Diagnosis and Treatment for Pericoronitis: Don’t Rely Solely on Painkillers

These home remedies can offer temporary relief for wisdom tooth pain. However, if the pain is unbearable, over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin can provide quick relief until medical help can be sought. 

It is important not to rely solely on painkillers to mask the symptoms, as pericoronitis can progress into a more serious condition.

In conclusion, pericoronitis is an inflammation of the tissue surrounding the wisdom tooth. Proper oral hygiene is crucial in preventing this condition. Home remedies such as rinsing with warm salt water, using baking soda with your toothpaste, and applying diluted clove essential oil, as well as the list provided above, can offer temporary relief. However, seeking professional dental care for proper diagnosis and treatment is vital.

Here are some additional articles on tooth pain:

Recognizing the Symptoms of Pericoronitis

Pericoronitis Symptoms and Treatments

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